This is it!!! I can't take it anymore.
How on earth will a fine looking dude with everything all looking set, great aura, appealing to keep staring at like in the movies, when the slow motion scene sets in and you are so mesmerized, only to approach you and the first word totally distabilizes you because it comes with an appalling odour that of garlic, onions,fish, iru, cheese and yoghurt all mixed together that has been kept under a cupboard for two years, which is suicidal all from one Macho's mouth.
Please stop spoiling this expensive rep all put together and buy a tooth brush, tongue brush and a good toothpaste and use appropriately. This advice is from the Official account of the 'depth of my heart' it will safeguard and promote your toasting skill to a large extent, boost your confidence and sincere natural attraction to you and your upcoming ones.
Thank me later.😊
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